For sometime now, this outreach has been on my heart after seeing a video of an 11 year old girl named Ruby whose mom worked as a traveling nurse at several skilled nursing facilities. While visiting her mom at one such facility, she went to all the residents asking if they could have 3 things, what would they be?
In the end, she fulfilled their wishes and created a movement. I knew then, it would be a perfect outreach for Felicity Manor!
Operation WeCare will be held on Wed. Oct. 26, and through a partnership with Fair View United Methodist Church, nearly 100 gift bags will be filled with the items residents selected, prayed over and delivered to The Citadel in Mooresville by both Felicity Manor and Fair View volunteers.

Such an endeavor is a first time for us, so we are learning as we go, but we know it will be a blessing to the residents and the staff. Earlier this month, we presented a list of items frequently used by nursing home residents, and we asked them to choose 3 items from the list that they would most like to receive. Staff helped us gather the information from 95 residents! Fair View UMC pitched in by providing residents with the most requested items: Deodorant, Little Debbie cakes and Lance Crackers!
We can assume that while some of the residents may not be widowed, many do not enjoy the same opportunities as individuals who still live in their homes. Some struggle with loneliness, isolation and sadness, and still others, just need a small act of kindness to brighten their day.
It's our desire to bring a little joy on a random day of the week and for no special occasion.
It is a goal to make this a reoccurring event for the skilled nursing facilities in our community, and we hope you will consider partnering with us. Donations help offset the costs of purchasing the gift bag items, and we want to be able to fill them to overflowing with items they need.
Check out our social media pages for photos of what we know will be a wonderful experience!