As a way to be of encouragement to all widows/widowers, with special emphasis on older and more isolated individuals, Volunteer Care Teams deliver holiday and birthday remembrances and reach out through various communication means to Mooresville area widowers registered in the
Felicity Manor Community.
the felicity manor community
Felicity Manor Volunteer Care Teams deliver holiday and birthday gifts annually to registered widows and widowers in the Felicity Manor Community.
Deliveries are made on scheduled Sunday afternoons, with the exception of birthday gifts that arrive on or close to the individual's birthday.
Registration is free, and there is no special criteria or expressed need to be a member of the Felicity Manor Community. While many are homebound, our motto is to be another avenue to let people know we care and you are important to us!
If you or you know someone in the Mooresville area, who would benefit as a recipient of our outreach program, please share our mission to them so they will know they'll be hearing from Felicity Manor.
Register below to get started or click here for a printable form.

Sharing Love
We share love to all widows through a variety ​of ways:
Phone calls and letters
Holiday gift bags
Recognition at their birthday
In person visits if welcome