As a way to be of encouragement to all widows/widowers, with special emphasis on older and more isolated individuals, Volunteer Care Teams deliver holiday and birthday remembrances and reach out through various communication means to Mooresville area widowers registered in the
Felicity Manor Community.
Class of 2020-23

Jill Lowe, President & Treasurer
Jill Lowe, a native of Mooresville founded Felicity Manor in the fall of 2019. Today, she serves as President and wears a number of hats as the organization grows. She currently works part-time at Fair View United Methodist Church, which enables her to serve Felicity Manor in a greater capacity. She and her husband, Robbie are parents of 2 adult children and 5 grandchildren.
Lisa Zeggert, Vice President
Lisa Zeggert, a Mooresville native, serves the community through Freedom Connections, an outreach ministry she founded with her husband, Andy in 2007. Her entire career as a school teacher has spanned over 30 years. Currently, she serves as head of Christian Education at Concordia Lutheran Church. She and Andy live in Mooresville and serve as caregivers to both her and her husband's widowed mothers.

Kendra Intihar, Secretary
Kendra Intihar, a resident of Mooresville joined Felicity Manor as way to serve the widows in the Mooresville community. She currently works at Davidson College as the WDAV Comm. Outreach Director. She and her husband, Eric, are parents of 3 children.

Trish Carpenter
Trish Carpenter, a 25 year resident of Mooresville joined Felicity Manor in 2021. She serves as coordinator of the Williamson United Methodist Church Grief Share Program. Trish and her husband, Steve, who passed away from stage 4 colon cancer in 2019 are parents to 2 adult children.

Almeta Mallory
Almeta Mallory joined Felicity Manor in 2020. She resides in Mooresville, with her daughter, who is working toward a degree in medicine. She is retired from the USMC.

This position is open as we actively seek someone who is excited about our vision and will be an asset to our organization.

David Whitlow
David Whitlow, a Mooresville native, is a fixture in the Mooresville community. Currently, David works as a Telecommunications/911 Operator with the Mooresville Police Dept., but you'll regularly find him at the Mooresville Museum, where he serves as a staff director and Vice President of their Board of Directors.